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Explore our Affiliates from Chile

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Junto con saludar, queremos hacer un breve resumen de lo realizado durante 5 años, se realizó la AgriExpo Orgánico Latinoamérica 2021. En el Pabellón Araucanía de Temuco Chile Y comentar En estos años, dentro de los logros está el haber organizado 3 Seminarios Internacionales de Agricultura Orgánica, además de producir una serie de microdocumentales (Ruta Orgánica Latinoamérica) que muestran el recorrido por 7 países en busca de experiencias innovadoras en agricultura orgánica, (Primera temp...

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Asociacion de Agricultores Organicos de Chile Tierra Viva


This Farmers Association was founded in 1993 and has had an important participation in the development of organic agriculture in Chile. It has 60 members and its principal activities are:
- promoting awareness
- training
- development and implementation of a PGS
- representing the interests of the members in public and private institutions
- facilitating the commercialization of the products of the members

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Cooperativa de Productores Orgánicos de Chile


We are the Chilean Organic Producers Cooperative that was born in 2020 in Maule Region and our mission is to be recognized as the best reputed producer in the country.
Our products are of exceptional quality and value, a reflection of the ecological management of processes carried out based on cooperative values ​and agroecological principles, such as:
• Recycling,
• Diversification,
• Resilience,
• Energy efficiency,
• Optimization of nutrient and water
• Balanced biotic regul...

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Ecocert Chile SA


Ecocert Chile S.A. (formaly IMO Chile) is a Chilean private company with the earliest accreditation for organic certification in the country, and was established as a subsidiary of the IMO today part of the Ecocert Group, which is one of the most globally recognized agencies dedicated to offering specialized services for control, quality assurance and certification of organic and sustainable products for the major export markets (EU, USA, Asia, etc.). Ecocert Chile is a member of the internat...

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