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Explore our Affiliates from Mexico

9 results found


Calidad y Honestidad Certificada MAYABIO


Organic certification body approved under Mexican regulation for organic products

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Diana Payne


Organic certification systems management of individual operators and smallholders groups, mainly citrus farmers.
Internal inspectors and farmers training. Enthusiast of sustainable development and caring for the environment.

Gestión de sistemas de certificación orgánica de operadores individuales y grupos de pequeños productores de cítricos.
Formación de inspectores internos y capacitación a agricultores. Entusiasta del desarrollo sostenible y el cuidado ambiental.

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Finca La Chaya


We are an organic cattle farm in the third gereration using organic and biodynamic methods thoughout the complete value chain. We sell our products (beef and dairy products) locally. We feel very compromised with the good treatment of our animals living in a natural environment.

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Homero Blas Bustamante


Soy productor orgánico y cultivo agroecológicamente café, guanabana, plátano, cúrcuma, jengibre, cardamomo y produzco miel de abeja. Tengo parcelas demostrativas agroecológicas de café con criterios de "Café amigable con las aves" y en asociación con jengibre y cúrcuma.

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Metrocert, S.C.


We are an Organic Certification Control Body approved by the Mexican Goverment to provide organic certification. We are committed to the principles of imparciality, transparency, health, environment, floristic and faunistic biodiversity, soil, water and non-contamination, conservation. In this way we have a social commitment, so our participation must be open, disseminating and promoting the principles of organic agriculture in the different sectors.

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Símbolo de Pequeños Productores Global


SPP is an intercontinental network of ecological small producers which works to promote the value of their products by working together with committed companies and consumers backed-up by an independant certification system.

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Sociedad Cooperativa de Productores del Tianguis Orgánico Chapingo


Iniciativa creada con la finalidad de dar a conocer una opción de alimentación sana a todos aquellos que están preocupados por su salud y la del ambiente. Impulsamos así, una producción orgánica y/o agro ecológica local para un consumo consiente y responsable. Son años de consolidación y crecimiento fomentando procesos de producción, certificación participativa y comercialización de productos orgánicos, naturales, biodegradables y artesanales que se expenden desde Noviembre del 2003 como grup...

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Vía Orgánica A.C


Via Orgánica, a sister organization to the Organic Consumers Association, is a Mexican non-profit (Asociación Civil) whose mission is to work toward social justice through the development of sustainable, ecological agriculture, and systems that guarantee human health, protection of the environment and fair trade

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