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36 results found
Mayacert is a company in multicertificación systems of agricultural products, processing and industrialization. Their operators are located in the United States, Mexico, Central America , Peru, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Sri Lanka and Thailand. MAYACERT promotes for 22 years, the voluntary certification service for small, medium and large farmers, processors and exporters of food.
Metrocert, S.C.
We are an Organic Certification Control Body approved by the Mexican Goverment to provide organic certification. We are committed to the principles of imparciality, transparency, health, environment, floristic and faunistic biodiversity, soil, water and non-contamination, conservation. In this way we have a social commitment, so our participation must be open, disseminating and promoting the principles of organic agriculture in the different sectors.
Movimiento Argentino para la Producción Orgánica
The goals of MAPO are: -To promote the organic agriculture -To spread and demonstrate to the community the benefits of the production system and organic food -To ensure the quality and transparency of organic markets -To speak with one voice in defense of the organic movement and its members
Organización Internacional Agropecuaria
OIA offers high quality certification on agricultural and industrial products: organic, GLOBALGAP, fisheries, food quality, textiles, cosmetics and more. Accredited/ member/ approved: IFOAM, SENASA, MSC, JAS, Bio Suisse, GLOBALGAP, OAA, Canada Organic, USDA, GOTS, OTA, INMETRO. Working since 1991 and certifying all over the American Continent.
Programa de Hortalizas, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)
Programa de Hortalizas (El Huerto) is a research, education and outreach unit of UNALM, specialized in horticulture, biodiversity, agroecology and rural development. It manages a 10 ha certified organic experimental field in La Molina, Lima and has working contacts with farmers and institutions in other parts of the country and Latin America.
Red de Agricultura Ecológica del Perú
Raeperu is an NGO created in 1989 to promote organic agriculture and local markets, develop human resources and make political impact with priority on family farming.
Símbolo de Pequeños Productores Global
SPP is an intercontinental network of ecological small producers which works to promote the value of their products by working together with committed companies and consumers backed-up by an independant certification system.
Sociedad Cooperativa de Productores del Tianguis Orgánico Chapingo
Iniciativa creada con la finalidad de dar a conocer una opción de alimentación sana a todos aquellos que están preocupados por su salud y la del ambiente. Impulsamos así, una producción orgánica y/o agro ecológica local para un consumo consiente y responsable. Son años de consolidación y crecimiento fomentando procesos de producción, certificación participativa y comercialización de productos orgánicos, naturales, biodegradables y artesanales que se expenden desde Noviembre del 2003 como grup...
Valle del Medio
In Valle Del Medio we produce organic berries (mainly raspberries, blackcurrants and redcurrants), for domestic and international markets. IQF, W&B & block frozen. Our farm is located in Lago Puelo, Patagonia Argentina, at the foot of Los Andes Mountains, 10 km away from a National Park, surrounded by native forests, in a very natural and unpolluted environment. We have been certified by O.I.A. since 1998, to NOP, IFOAM and JAS standards. We also produce high quality organic jams in our new f...
Vía Orgánica A.C
Via Orgánica, a sister organization to the Organic Consumers Association, is a Mexican non-profit (Asociación Civil) whose mission is to work toward social justice through the development of sustainable, ecological agriculture, and systems that guarantee human health, protection of the environment and fair trade