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Explore our Affiliates from Latin America

48 results found


Agricultura Bio Dinamica Perú


ABD PERU is registered in Peru as a non-for-profit organization.
The purpose of ABD PERU is to promote an ecologically, socially and economically sound agriculture through Biodynamic Agriculture. It is focused on promotion, research, training, knowledge exchange to strengthen biodynamic agriculture projects, programs, and initiatives bringing support especially to farmers and consumers to improve rural livelihoods.

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Junto con saludar, queremos hacer un breve resumen de lo realizado durante 5 años, se realizó la AgriExpo Orgánico Latinoamérica 2021. En el Pabellón Araucanía de Temuco Chile Y comentar En estos años, dentro de los logros está el haber organizado 3 Seminarios Internacionales de Agricultura Orgánica, además de producir una serie de microdocumentales (Ruta Orgánica Latinoamérica) que muestran el recorrido por 7 países en busca de experiencias innovadoras en agricultura orgánica, (Primera temp...

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Alecoconsult Internacional S.A.


Technical Support, Commercial Support, Internal Audits. Development of Organic Production Programs. Education in Organic Agriculture,

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Asociacion de Agricultores Organicos de Chile Tierra Viva


This Farmers Association was founded in 1993 and has had an important participation in the development of organic agriculture in Chile. It has 60 members and its principal activities are:
- promoting awareness
- training
- development and implementation of a PGS
- representing the interests of the members in public and private institutions
- facilitating the commercialization of the products of the members

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Asociación Nacional de Agricultura Orgánica

Costa Rica

We are involved in the promotion of organic farming, training in organic certification, and organic production techniques. ANAO members are active in all aspects of the organic production sector: producers, certifiers, trainers, politicians, etc.
ANAO has created a daughter organización the Organic Certification Agency EcoLOGICA S.A. EcoLOGICA certifies under Costa Rica national regulation, for the EU through the Third Country Status in Costa Rica and to the National Organic Program of the U...

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Calidad y Honestidad Certificada MAYABIO


Organic certification body approved under Mexican regulation for organic products

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Cooperativa de Productores Orgánicos de Chile


We are the Chilean Organic Producers Cooperative that was born in 2020 in Maule Region and our mission is to be recognized as the best reputed producer in the country.
Our products are of exceptional quality and value, a reflection of the ecological management of processes carried out based on cooperative values ​and agroecological principles, such as:
• Recycling,
• Diversification,
• Resilience,
• Energy efficiency,
• Optimization of nutrient and water
• Balanced biotic regul...

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DAABON Group is a three-generation organic agricultural conglomerate, owned by the Davila Abondano family. Its headquarters is located in the Northern part of Colombia, in the Santa Marta region.

We believe that food can be produced ethically, in a way that gives human beings the benefit of this versatile natural product without damaging the planet. The group is committed to empowering its farmers and workers and investing in long-term community development. DAABON programs for small farm...

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Diana Payne


Organic certification systems management of individual operators and smallholders groups, mainly citrus farmers.
Internal inspectors and farmers training. Enthusiast of sustainable development and caring for the environment.

Gestión de sistemas de certificación orgánica de operadores individuales y grupos de pequeños productores de cítricos.
Formación de inspectores internos y capacitación a agricultores. Entusiasta del desarrollo sostenible y el cuidado ambiental.

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Diane Cooner

Costa Rica

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ECOCERT Argentina


Argencert S.A. is engaged in the certification of organic products and quality assurance from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Accreditations: NOP, IFOAM, COR, SAG . Equivalency EU, FOAG equivalency for Swizterlad. Agreements with Japan Korea. Other programs offered: Biosuisse and JAS UTZ, GLOBALG.A.P. and BMP certification. Argencert has 23 years of experience certifying fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs, grains and cereals, juices, wines, oils and animal products like wool, beef and...

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Ecocert Chile SA


Ecocert Chile S.A. (formaly IMO Chile) is a Chilean private company with the earliest accreditation for organic certification in the country, and was established as a subsidiary of the IMO today part of the Ecocert Group, which is one of the most globally recognized agencies dedicated to offering specialized services for control, quality assurance and certification of organic and sustainable products for the major export markets (EU, USA, Asia, etc.). Ecocert Chile is a member of the internat...

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El Rincon Orgánico


El Rincón Orgánico provides different kinds of services such as the exportation, consultation, and delivery of organic products to family homes and restaurants/hotels. It also has an organic bar in Buenos Aires and a catering service and provides organic products in the local and external market.

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Finca La Chaya


We are an organic cattle farm in the third gereration using organic and biodynamic methods thoughout the complete value chain. We sell our products (beef and dairy products) locally. We feel very compromised with the good treatment of our animals living in a natural environment.

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Finca La Esperanzita


La Esperanzita is the cradle of organic agriculture in Nicaragua. Today it is an organically producing farm, plus Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Ecológica en el Trópico Húmedo, doing training, education, environmental and organic agriculture campaigns, preparing a carbon offset scheme for interested organizations in the area and interested buyers in Europe. It is also the starting point of eco-agro-tourism in our area.
Since june 2022 FILE is a branch iof emJAC, escuela montessori Jan Amos...

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The Andes AGRECOL Foundation is a private nonprofit institution, founded as AGRECOL eV Langenbruck 1983, Switzerland and incorporated as Foundation 2001 in Cochabama, Bolivia. Its mission: "To promote sustainable agricultural development through the management of knowledge, political advocacy and strengthening local initiatives in partnership with rural and urban actors'. Its corporate vision is that 'the families of peasant and indigenous communities have reached ecological sustainability, s...

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Fundación Nadbio


Organización venezolana especialista en el sector agropecuario, orientada hacia el desarrollo de unidades de producción rentables y exitosas, mediante la prestación de servicios a través de calificados profesionales dedicados al desarrollo y aplicación de biotecnologías que permitan mejorar las condiciones productivas venezolanas, contribuyendo así a optimizar los procesos y aumentar la productividad, en armonía con el entorno.

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Dominican Republic

Creyente, Practicante y Consumidor de la Agricultura Organica

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Homero Blas


Soy productor orgánico y cultivo agroecológicamente café, guanabana, plátano, cúrcuma, jengibre, cardamomo y produzco miel de abeja. Tengo parcelas demostrativas agroecológicas de café con criterios de "Café amigable con las aves" y en asociación con jengibre y cúrcuma.

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IMOcert Latinoamérica Ltda. - Bolivia


IMOcert Latinoamérica Ltda. (IMOcert) is a control and certification body, legally established in Bolivia, accredited under the ISO 17065 standard by the German accreditation body DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH). IMOcert performs control and certification of production, processing and marketing of organic, sustainable, social responsibility and/or fair trade products, in accordance with relevant national, international or private legal regulations, and it has accreditations and/o...

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