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86 results found
Joles Farm
We are an organic farm based in Athi River Kenya. We endeavour to be socially and ethically conscious and to encourage farmers to grow produce using organic methods
Kamut Enterprises of Europe bv
We have three main activities at KEE. We organize the promotion and protection of the KAMUT(R) tradename in the European Union. We also coordinate a research program regarding health and nutritional benefits of processed products made of KAMUT(R) khorasan wheat.

Kamut International Ltd
Kamut International partners with growers, distributors, and manufacturers to promote KAMUT brand wheat products. KAMUT® brand wheat is an ancient grain, guaranteed under the KAMUT® brand, to never be modified or hybridized, always organically grown, and is prized for its nutrition, ease of digestibility, sweet nutty-buttery taste, and firm texture.

Kean Beng Lee is one of the leading manufacturers in gardening supplies under our trademark “Baba”. At Baba, we pride ourselves not only in producing the finest in holistic gardening solutions, but also products and consumables that are kind to the earth. Baba is the 1st company in Malaysia to spearhead the promotion of organic certification of non-governmental organizations and provide a platform for organic growers to employ sustainable practices that contribute to our green earth.

Kimia Sabz Avar کیمیاسبزآور
Kimia Sabz Avar Co. is the leading manufacturer of “Environmentally Friendly Pesticides and Fertilizers “ in Iran.
Our pest control products contain natural ingredients such as plant extracts , minerals , soaps and edible oils .
This group of pesticides , in experiments performed by Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), over the past few years , have proved their efficacy in controlling a wide range of pests ( aphids , psyllids , leafhoppers , thrips , scale insects , wh...

Laurus Management und Qualitätssicherung GmbH
Laurus develops and provides a web-based compost production management and quality assurance system for the controlled microbiologically composting (CMC) according to Pfeiffer-Lübke.

Lokvina d.o.o
Biodynamic vegetable farm in Istria. Working with other local producers to place organic products to regional markets and to improve economic efficiency of organic farmers. Joint sourcing of production inputs (seeds, etc.) for local companies

Melilea International (S) PTE LTD
In 2002, the founders of MELILEA International, Datuk Dr Alan Wong and Datuk Dr Stella Chin, started leading the people to transform their lives and attain health and beauty through living the organic lifestyle. MELILEA’s corporate blueprint encompasses the missions of transformation, social, education, charity and environment-friendliness. Its products improve health and beauty and serve as a cultural exchange platform for people to
strive towards a better life.

Natural Enviro Exports
We are manufacturers & exporters of coconut and sesame products. Our well equipped factory and infrastructure made us achieve pure quality & quantity and meet the needs of our customers.

NATURATA Luxembourg is an organic food retailer based in the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg.
Having emerged from the country’s co-
op of organic farmers, gardeners, winegrowers and beekeepers, NATURATA is part of a network of initiatives dedicating themselves to
the marketing of organic produce in Luxemburg. For almost 30 years, NATURATA Luxembourg has been sup
plying residents and expats with 100% organic food , non-food household items and natural cosmetics.
Currently (as at october 2018) ...

Natures Glory Industries
Natures Glory Industries produces NATURESBIO ORGANIC brand products such as: 1. Naturesbio organic fertilizer - microbial organic fertilizer; 2. Natures BioNim organic pest controller 3. Natures BioProtein probiotic - animal growth enhancer; 4. Natures BioCleanser organic deodorizer and disinfectant; 5. Natures TAYTO BioClean supermix - organic disinfectant/ deodorizer for landfills/ dumpsites. We distribute domestically and internationally..

Naturkost Schramm Import-Export GmbH
Import of ecological fruits and vegetables from Spain, France, Maroc and the south of Germany.

One World - a learning center (P. Ltd.)
Since 1996 we are an initiative in Rural Development, bio-dynamic agriculture and ethical business. We are a producer of herbal goods and market our brand 'Nepali Gardens' from Nepal to EU.

Organic Arable Market Company Limited
The only wholly organic grain business in the UK. We are independent and farmer-owned and run for the benefit of our producers. We provide technical assistance to our farmers as well as marketing expertise and seek to help them develop their organic arable enterprise. We have a number of partnerships with processing facilities in order to help both condition and process grain. This will be a growth area for our business for the future. We have an increasing focus on developing integrated supp...

Organic PGS Hiroshima
Organic PGS Hiroshima was born in 2021, being backed by Shinomura Nokiti co., Ltd.
"Shinomura Nokiti co., Ltd." is located in Shobara City, the North part of Hiroshima prefecture in Japan.
We started as a small local company to manage a nursery school with the concept of "living with agriculture" in 2006. We have grown crops and vegetables by ourselves, with children, and with small farmer neighbors.
We also started gathering local rice and vegetables from small farmer neighbors to su...
Organic Plant Protein A/S
Organic Plant Protein A/S develops and produces organic and mild processed meat analogues based on peas and fava beans grown in Denmark and the Baltic area. Our technology is dry texturization of dry-fractionated protein concentrates. We do not use protein isolates or any additives. The climate impact is very low (see our website) and the products can be stored and transported at room temperature. Our mission is to support the important transition towards a more plant-based and sustainable diet.
Organic Policy, Business and Research Consultancy
To be successful and sustainable, organic food and farming systems need to based on sound ethical and ecological principles, well-informed both technically and financially, and actively supported by society in recognition of the public benefits delivered.
Our organic consultancy service brings together an in-depth understanding of technical, business, regulatory and policy issues based on our lifetimes of practical and research experience.
Organic Services GmbH
Organic Services is an international strategy and management consultancy, specialising in the organic and sustainability sector. We focus on certification and integrity solutions to combat fraud and misuse of quality claims. Solutions include Group Integrity for smallholder internal control systems and companies with contracted farmers, Ecert Basic for small local certifiers' certification management, and Check Organic the cloud-based integrity platform integrating certification and supply ch...

OSO, The Organic Madagascan Prawn
OSO is an Organic Madagascan Shrimp producer, fully vertical from hatchery, growing farm, and processing. OSO has opened a new era in organic Seafood Gastronomy in bringing to EU Consumers a true alternative to the wild caught shrimp market. Under the the AB-Organic Regulation in France and EU Regulation 834-2007, OSO became the first farm Worldwide to have been certified under the FR/AB Label , The french state official organic certfication, as early as 2007. OSO's contribution to the sust...

Partnership for Development Assistance in the Philippines Inc.
PDAP advocates and promotes organic agriculture alongside its current thrust of supporting and promoting collectively-owned rural social enterprises. It provides various interventions within the value chain of the organic commodity that the community produces. Specific interventions and/or services include value chain financing; training, advisory and technical assistance; and, program design and management.

Penergetic International AG
Die Penergetic International AG produziert biologische Produkte, die die Landwirtschaft nachhaltig und effizient unterstützen. Die Produkte verbessern die Bodenproduktivität sowie die Viehzucht ohne schädliche Auswirkungen auf Klima, Boden, Wasser, Artenvielfalt und Umwelt. Das Schweizer Familienunternehmen entwickelt nachhaltige und intelligente Ansätze für die Landwirtschaft. Die Produktpalette von Penergetic umfasst funktionelle Futtermittelzutaten, Pflanzenstimulanzien, Boden- und Kompost...

Pepe Navarro SL
Herbolario Navarro is a company that was born in 1771 in Valencia with the aim of being a provider of everything necessary to take care of health naturally. Since then we have not stopped evolving until we have become the great benchmark for natural health and organic food in Spain.
At present, with 250 years of history, we have more than 50 establishments spread throughout the national territory. In our stores, you will receive personalized advice from highly qualified personnel in consta...
Phalada Agro Research Foundations Pvt. Ltd.
Phalada Agro Research Foundation Pvt Ltd is a company dedicated to producing high quality organic products for the international market. We pride ourselves in providing end-to-end solutions for organic agriculture in India and are involved in each stage of the supply chain, from production of compost to the export of processed herbs, spices and other food commodities. Phalada was founded in 1999 to develop inputs for organic farmers to help improve soil fertility and prevent pests and disease...