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Members of IFOAM Organics Europe

186 results found


Valoritalia societa per la certificazione delle qualita e delle produzioni vitivinicole Italiane S.r.l.


VALORITALIA is the leading company in the control of Italian wines with Designation of Origin: it controls over 70% of Italian DO and IG wine production. It is also a Voluntary Certification Body: provides certification services according to the main international standard for quality, food safety, traceability and sustainability, and develops innovative projects and disciplinary in response to specific objectives of positioning, development and differentiation to the distribution channels. I...

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Verbund Ökohöfe e.V.


Verbund Ökohöfe e.V. was founded in 2006. The association's main activity is the continuous development of various organic regulations as well as the corresponding control and certification of companies. Other activities include agricultural and horticultural production, food processing, forestry, beekeeping, fish farming. Regulations are currently under development for plant breeding and animal transportation.

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Vereenegung fir Biolandwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l.


We are invloved in the representation, support and education of organic farmers in Luxemburg.

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VetAgro Sup, service ABioDoc


ABioDoc, the French resource center on organic farming, is a documentation center, that contains a collection specialized in organic agriculture, with technical, economic and regulation references. ABioDoc offers different services to the general public (edition of a monthly bibliographic review, the Biopresse, thematic newsletters, service 'Questions-Answers', management of the most important French-speaking database on organic farming with free access on its website) and an organic stakehol...

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Vottunarstofan Tún ehf


Inspection Certification Standards Education Policy

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Wertform GmbH


Description not available

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Yhdistyneet Luomutuottajat Ry - Ekologiska Producenternas Allians rf


FOPA is an alliance of Finnish organic farmers and producers. FOPA co-operates with all relevant stakeholders.

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Zveza društev ekoloških kmetov Slovenije


ZDEKS was founded in 2017. Our purpose is to represent Slovene organic farmers best interests. In the years prior to our establishment Slovene organic farmers had no representative in talks with policy makers and we are successfully changing that.
We advocate cooperation in the field of organic farming and with other related organisations, we strive for growth of the organic sector in Slovenia and promote organic food in general.

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Zwiazek Zawodowy Rolnikow Ekologicznych Sw. Franciszka z Asyzu


The Union was founded in 2007 to represent the professional, social and economic interests of organic farmers. The main aims are: the protection of organic family farms, rural development, nature and biodiversity protection and cooperation with national and international organisations.

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Trial EU Member

Міжнародна благодійна організація «Інформаційний центр «Зелене досьє»/Green Dossier


Information Center "Green Dossier" is an environmental NGO established in 1994.
“Green Dossier” promotes principles of sustainable development and their integration into national policies and government programs by disseminating objective environmental and social information to mass media, local communities, government and business, involving them to practical action.
Promotion of the sustainable production and consumption, and sustainable agriculture including organic are in our core acti...

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Фондация за биологично земеделие БИОСЕЛЕНА


Professional training and advice for farmers and processors; publication of books and brochures on various organic topics; transfer of leading European knowhow and development of new organic products for Bulgarian market; lobbing for organic farming; promotion of organic farming and organic products; international cooperation projects (development and execution).

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