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Explore our Affiliates from Finland
5 results found
Etelä-Suomen Viljelijäyhdistys - ESVY ry
Southern Finland Organic Farmers Association - ESVY ry represents organic farms and farmers but represents also the whole value chain from greater Helsinki and Southern Finland area consumers as its supporting members.
Kymen Luomu Osk
Kymi Organic Coop is a marketing and sales organization founded by organic farmers.
Luomuliitto ry - Finnish Organic Association
The Finnish Organic Farmers Association promotes organic agriculture and entreprneurship in Finland. We publish the only magazine in the organic sector. We have local associations that carry out local activities. Our members are mainly farmers, but we have also some few consumers, NGOs and small-scale enterprises. We have an expert and mentoring service. We also elect the organic product and entrepreneur of the year.
Pro Luomu ry
The Finnish Organic Food Association Pro Luomu is an association for the cooperation of actors in the organic sector. Pro Luomu promotes the growth of organic production and consumption in Finland. Pro Luomu develops the organic sector by drafting statements and commenting on important current issues. In addition, the association organizes expert seminars and provides news and information from organic food through different media. The value chain working groups for each product groups are e...
Yhdistyneet Luomutuottajat Ry - Ekologiska Producenternas Allians rf
FOPA is an alliance of Finnish organic farmers and producers. FOPA co-operates with all relevant stakeholders.