Verein zur Förderung einer natur- und sozialverträglichen Ernährungs- und Landschaftskultur
Association for promotion of a nature and socially just nutrition and landscape culture
Country/Territory | Germany |
Organization Type | General membership-based organisation |
Website | Under development |
Phone | +49-152-22759391 |
Contact |
Angelika Ploeger (Vorsitzende) Hartmut Vogtmann (Vorstand) |
Description | Research in organic agriculture, organic food quality and nutrition culture. Development and implementation of transdisciplinary Bachelor degree courses for developing „Sustainable Agri- and Food- Culture Systems“. Projects with Universities in the Southern Caucasian Countries ( Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) in organic agriculture and nature conservation. Presently a project with the Robert Bosch Foundation: „Freshly served -let us design nutrition together“. |