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915 results found


"Gruppo Aboca" - ABOCA S.p.A. Socieà Agricola


Aboca S.p.A. is part of Aboca Group. Aboca is an Italian company which operates in the European and world market of Natural Health Products. The group is now the leading Italian producer of food supplements and medical devices obtained by medical plants. The innovative capacity that Aboca boasts today represents an exceptional example and it is the result of significant, ongoing investments in different areas of research that integrate and complete each other - Historical Research, Scientific...

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"OK" Organska Kontrola

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Organska kontrola "OK" is the accredited certification body from Bosnia and Herzegovina engaged in organic certification since 2003. Organska Kontrola (OK) is recognized by the EC as a certification body with standards and control systems equivalent to the EU regulation for organic production and also approved by Federal Office of Agriculture (FOAG) Switzerland as a provider of organic certification services for organic products intended for exports to Switzerland.

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"Organic Armenia" Agricultural Association NGO


We are a network of farmers, producers/manufacturers, processing companies, policy makers, educators and food lovers with an aim to boost the processing of organic food, sustainable agriculture and cleaner environment in Armenia. We develops and promotes distribution of locally manufactured food products in Armenia and abroad.

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a'verdis Roehl & Dr. Strassner GbR


We are an internationally operating consulting company. We work together with our clients to develop sustainable foodservice solutions for the catering, restaurant and foodservice sectors. We envision solutions that are attractive and economically sound on a health-promoting and ecologically sustainable basis. We are deeply committed to training and knowledge transfer whereby we seek to empower those with whom we work. We make sure all stakeholders are reached by engaging in professional publ...

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ABC Enterprises Inc. - Global Organic Network


As representative of NürnbergMesse for Japan, Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific Region and co-organiser of BioFach Japan until 2012, we have gathered know-how and experience on natural and organic products from the source, over processing/ distribution, to consumers. We have established a broad contact network in Japan and many other countries. This is the main basis for our portal that we will expand continuously, in conjunction with a growing number of participants and requirements. Togethe...

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Accredited Certifiers Association Inc.

United States of America

Non-profit educational association serving accredited organic certification agencies whose clients' products are marketed in the US. Activities include on-line discussion forum for certification agencies, newsletters, training programs for certification agency staff.

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Acme Agriculture & Food Ltd.


Our company ACME Agriculture and Food Ltd. is a certified organic handler and food distributor in Toronto, Canada. Our organic value added grain and oil seeds products are being sold in food networks and supermarkets in Ontario. We also buy and sell specialty and organic seeds.

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ACO Certification Ltd


ACO Certification Limited (ACO) is Australia's largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 2,000 operators and 29,000 products certified to Australian and International standards within its certification system. ACO provides certification services to operators from a wide range of industries including primary production, Food and Cosmetic manufacturing, Allowed Inputs, Retail, Food safety and sustainability, and more.
ACO creates trust and integrity for operators and th...

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ACS Canada Certification Inc.


ACS is a canada base company located at British Columbia, offering a variety of certification services including accredited ISO management systems and food and agricultural approvals. ACS also offer e-learning and tutor-lead training courses ranging from ISO Lead Auditor training to food and agriculture safety and quality. We have a nationwide network of auditors who are experts in auditing organisations and farms of all shapes and sizes.

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Adamspace Bio LLP


The Adamspace Bio factory produces food supplements, functional food products, organic fertilizers and feed additives on the basis of patents, biotechnological know-how and schemes of its own production. All products have organic natural origin and certificates of origin. The main raw materials are plants (herbs, berries, fruits from Zaili Alatau) and Leonardites certified by the organic standard and having an Omri certificate. All equipment of the factory is certified, has factory tests of t...

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Aditi Organic Certifications Pvt. Ltd.


We carry out inspections and certifications as per NPOP/EU-834/2007, NOP, USDA, and COS/COR Standards. We also offer other certification programs like FairTSA, Bird Friendly Coffee, INDGAP, VCSMPP, and C.A.F.E. Practices

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Advocacy Coalition for Sustaianble Agriculture


ACSA is a legally registered national network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), which work with Smallholder farmers and Promote Sustainable Agriculture, Agricultural market development, Environmental conservation, research and advocacy. This is aimed at increasing farmer’s understanding of policy issues affecting small holder farmers in Uganda. ACSA’s mandate is “Advocating for the agrarian policy environment for small holder farmers in Uganda”. ACSA has membership of 29 CSOs spread co...

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Aegean Exporters' Associations


Aegean Exporters' Association (EIB) was founded in 1939 in Izmir comprising 12 sectors in the fields of
- aqua and animal products;
- dried fruits;
- olive and olive oil;
- cereals;
- forestry and wooden products;
- fresh fruits and vegetables;
- tobacco;
- textiles and raw materials;
- apparel;
- leather and leather products;
- minerals;
- ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

With over 7.500 member companies. The annual exports realized by the members of all 12 Associations account...

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AEGILOPS’ purpose is to conserve heritage varieties and traditional agricultural knowledge and to restore landrace varieties into contemporary agricultural practice in ways that benefit the traditional farmers. AEGILOPS works in close collaboration with Greek Gene Bank and Universities to evaluate and select landraces which can thrive in variable organic environments. Research in the field has already revealed that greek heritage wheat varieties showed good agronomic adaptation under organic ...

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AFAS Certification Center


AFAS Certification Center is the JAS organic certifier that enhances organic farming and lets farmers and producers be proud themselves.

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Afghan Saffron Company


Afghan Saffron, one of the world’s leading commercial single-source saffron producers and pioneers of organic saffron cultivation in Afghanistan, was founded in 2001 by Ghaffar Hamidzay. Prized for the unparalleled quality of its meticulously crafted produce, Afghan Saffron are the original saffron planters and teachers of saffron farming in Afghanistan.

Based in Herat, in the western part of Afghanistan bordering Iran, the saffron plantation is nestled in the fertile valley of the Hari...

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Africa IPM Alliance


Africa IPM Alliance is a an organization in Kenya that works with communities to improve their living standards through appropriate agricultural technologies. We are involved research and training in organic agriculture and integrated pest management

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Africa Libera


L'Associazione Africa Libera è una Onlus che fa Cooperazione Internazionale. Da oltre vent' anni opera a favore delle popolazioni del Ghana e dal 2013 è attiva anche in Costa d'Avorio. (Africa sub Sahariana). Interviene direttamente con progetti condivisi e con mezzi propri e il solo apporto di volontari, per migliorare i diritti di base (acqua e fame) e nei settori dell'istruzione, della Sanità, del lavoro. Su indicazione dei gruppi Ghanesi presenti a Modena che avevano segnalato le condizio...

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Africa Organic Standards Association


Coordinating standards for growing produce under PGS Organic systems in Africa

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AGRECOL - Association for AgriCulture and Ecology


Agrecol is a German non-profit organisation that supports organic and sustainable agriculture in developing countries for more than 25 years. Most of the 60 members of the association are professionals in agriculture and rural development. AGRECOL focuses on generating new knowledge and extending new concepts to an interested public. In doing so, it has conducted various international conferences and workshops. And, as a network of professionals it conducts regular events to important aspects...

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Agricultura Bio Dinamica Perú


ABD PERU is registered in Peru as a non-for-profit organization.
The purpose of ABD PERU is to promote an ecologically, socially and economically sound agriculture through Biodynamic Agriculture. It is focused on promotion, research, training, knowledge exchange to strengthen biodynamic agriculture projects, programs, and initiatives bringing support especially to farmers and consumers to improve rural livelihoods.

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Agricultural Technology Transfer Society


We use effective microorganism (EM) technology to carry out various agricultural activities such as cultivation of tomatoes, watermelons and sunflowers in rural areas surrounding Khartoum, and planting of sorghum and groundnut in rain-fed, mechanized farming in central Sudan. Our NGO actively promotes organic agriculture among farmers' organizations and recruits graduate students to help mobilize farmers. we are now applying biogas bio-products in women garden in rural areas, about 50 househ...

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