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Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund


I work with policy questions concerning organic agricultural production in Sweden.

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Latvijas Bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības asociācija


We inform and educate society about organic agriculture and its benefits, about environmental problems and the role of organically produced food in safeguarding the health of society in the world and in Latvia. We provide training opportunities for Latvia's farmers and food producers to strengthen their knowledge of organic food production by collaborating with educational institutions in Latvia. We encourage the elaboration and realization of various projects connected to organic agriculture...

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Lietuvos ekologinių ūkių asociacija


The Lithuanian Association of Organic Farms was established on February 24, 2010. 110 Organic farmers participate in the activity of the association and cultivate 14,800 hectares of organic farmland. The farms of association members are inspected and certified by the certification body "EKOAGROS", and comply with national laws of Organic Agriculture and relevant Council Regulations (EC) No. 834/2007 and No. 889/2008.

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Luomuliitto ry - Finnish Organic Association


The Finnish Organic Farmers Association promotes organic agriculture and entreprneurship in Finland. We publish the only magazine in the organic sector. We have local associations that carry out local activities. Our members are mainly farmers, but we have also some few consumers, NGOs and small-scale enterprises. We have an expert and mentoring service. We also elect the organic product and entrepreneur of the year.

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Naturland - Verband für ökologischen Landbau e. V.


Naturland is one of the major international associations for organic agriculture and promotes organic farming worldwide. Currently about 116,000 farmers, bee-keepers, fish farmers and fishers in 60 countries manage some 615,000 hectares according to the Naturland standards. Naturland certification standards do not only cover plant and animal production. They also include bee-keeping, aquaculture, sustainable capture fishery, food processing as well as non-food areas like forest management, co...

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Northeast Organic Farming Association Interstate Council

United States of America

The Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) provides coordination among the seven state chapters, conducts an annual NOFA Summer Conference and acts as an umbrella organization for projects of collective concern to NOFA's state chapters, such as the Policy Committee, Soil Carbon Restoration and Fair from Farm to Table. Each state chapter provides educational conferences, workshops, farm tours and printed materials to educate farmers, gardeners, consumers and land care professionals. "Th...

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OCIA International

United States of America

Organic Crop Improvement Association is one of the world's largest and most trusted leaders in organic certification. OCIA is committed to organic excellence and provides local and global market access for your products. OCIA International is a group of growers, processors, manufacturers, and sellers of organic food who strive to build environmental stewardship through ethical partnerships with nature. OCIA has internationally recognized and accredited certification programs, unique for its m...

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Organic Farming Association of India


The Organic Farming Association of India or OFAI is a farmer-led, gender mainstreamed organization that mandates its President should always be an organic farmer [of either gender]; that one-third of its Managing Committee should be women and that half of the MC be organic farmers. The remaining members can be scientists, administrators, organic farming promoters and others nominated/elected by the different states of the Indian union @ 3 per state with one of them necessarily being a woman. ...

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Organic Shizukuishi


Organic Shizukuishi is located in Shizukuishi town in Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
We are an organization to connect organic farmers, consumers and relevant stakeholders intending to create future organic society. We are heading for the Organic 3.0 direction of IFOAM - Organics International. So, we are trying to make our best efforts to realize sustainable organic farming systems as well as introducing eco-friendly technologies for more organic produce. And besides we will develop strong ties a...

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Pacific Organic & Ethical Trade Community (POETCom)


POETCom is a non-profit membership based organization with active members (farmers associations, farmer support organizations, NGOs, private sector, research institutions and working with governments) in 17 countries of the Pacific Island region with the Secretariat hosted by the Land Resources Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community in Suva, Fiji.

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PRO-BIO Svaz ekologických zemědělců

Czech Republic

PRO-BIO is the only national association of the organic farmers, organic food processors and producers, advisors and supporters of OF. PRO-BIO operates in many areas, all of which have a major common goal - the development of organic farming and organic food production in the Czech Republic. Headquarters is located in North Moravia Šumperk with branches throughout the Czech Republic. The mission of the PRO-BIO is to promote organic farming in the Czech Republic in both the intensive and exten...

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Qazaqstan Organics Producers Union


QOPU is representing the interests of the main producers of organic products and exporters of grains, legumes, oilseeds on an area of ​​up to 300,000 hectares, the main export is to the EU. We participate in the development of laws regulating the production and circulation of organic products, the development of standards, the development of a system of consulting services and education. We are members of IFOAM Organics International since 2019, IFOAM Organics Europe, TP Organics since Februa...

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Rodale Institute

United States of America

The Future is Organic !
Rodale Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conducting independent research to uncover and share regenerative organic farming practices that restore soil health, fight climate change, and fix the food system.

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SoCoPro npo (Services Opérationnels du Collège des Producteurs)


The SoCoPro npo aims to allow farmers to assert their interests to public authorities. Farmers can give their opinion through this structure in response to questions submitted by the authorities or on own initiative. The SoCoPro npo deals with 11 agricultural sectors (crops, potatoes, fruit and vegetable, poultry, pork...and organic). The section "organic" within the SoCoPro npo gathers opinions of the organic associations and operators concerning the organic legislation.

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South African Organic Sector Organisation

South Africa

SAOSO is the NATIONAL non-profit organisation consisting of individuals, groups and organisations of people throughout the country, who identify with the aims of SAOSO. It is a public organisation established to create, maintain and service a vibrant professional, cooperative and credible organic community that will contribute profoundly towards improving sustainable health and wellness of the environment and society.

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French Polynesia

Founded in 2011, Bio Fetia is the only PGS in French Polynesia. It is an association which federates producers and consumers and delivers the BIO PASIFIKA guarantee in strict compliance with the Pacific Organic Standard.
Bio Fetia is based on trust, exchange networks, transparency, solidarity and continuous improvement.

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UPBIO Unione Nazionale Produttori Biologici e Biodinamici


UPBIO safeguards the interests of organic producers:
- representing them to Public Institutions
- promotes aggregation of individual organic producers as producer organizations;
- promotes and coordinates initiatives aimed at the creation of supply chains and districts;
- promotes organic and biodynamic agriculture, sustainable development and natural nutrition
UPBIO is currently the first National Union of Organic Producers with over20,000 organic farms.

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Yhdistyneet Luomutuottajat Ry - Ekologiska Producenternas Allians rf


FOPA is an alliance of Finnish organic farmers and producers. FOPA co-operates with all relevant stakeholders.

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Zveza društev ekoloških kmetov Slovenije


ZDEKS was founded in 2017. Our purpose is to represent Slovene organic farmers best interests. In the years prior to our establishment Slovene organic farmers had no representative in talks with policy makers and we are successfully changing that.
We advocate cooperation in the field of organic farming and with other related organisations, we strive for growth of the organic sector in Slovenia and promote organic food in general.

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