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Movimiento Argentino para la Producción Orgánica


The goals of MAPO are: -To promote the organic agriculture -To spread and demonstrate to the community the benefits of the production system and organic food -To ensure the quality and transparency of organic markets -To speak with one voice in defense of the organic movement and its members

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NATRUE is a Brussels based international non-profit association committed to promoting and protecting Natural and Organic Cosmetics worldwide. Founded in 2007, it provides a home to all true friends of Natural and Organic Cosmetics and embrace all who commit to our high standards of quality and integrity. The NATRUE Label sets a high standard so people worldwide can enjoy Natural Cosmetics truly worthy of the name. Over 5500 products from nearly 30 countries have already been certified accor...

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Natural Agriculture Development Association


Natural Agriculture Development Association (NADA) was founded on November 20, 2010 at the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Yunlin County, Taiwan. Since its establishment, the association has adhered to the concept, purpose, goals and mission, promoted organic agriculture verification, and achieved the ultimate goal of natural farming methods. Over the years, , organize relevant organic agriculture special classes to cultivate talents, innovative innovative horticulture...

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NSLA organic JAPAN


“Promoting and Spreading Organics Through Organic Meals” NSLA was founded in 2019, and two years later successfully introduced organic foods in school meals in four cities. The following year, it was introduced in seven cities, and in the following year in nine more cities. PGS was started in anticipation of a shortage of organic food when organic school meals become popular in Japan in the future. Currently, mothers have gardens, grow vegetables to be included in school meals, and hold event...

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Organic Certification Center of the Philippines


OCCP is a non-stock profit organisation providing service to the agricultural sector through training, research and consultancy for organic agriculture. We provide a venue for skills and knowledge enhancement and market access. We go by the tagline "supporting organic products means supporting the empowerment of our local producers".

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Organic Connections


Organic Connections, where the organic community comes to grow. Organic Connections is a non-profit organization established to organize conferences and trade shows for the prairie organic industry and to facilitate activities that enhance and promote the organic sector through education and awareness.

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Organic Ichikawa is a green city near Tokyo. We aim for a safe and environmentally friendly recycling-oriented agriculture. We provide the community with the splendor ( one of the world's best and tastiest ) of organic vegetables. We will make delight and surprise take roots in Ichikawa.

From our activities, we will create a chain of sympathy and cooperation throughout the country, and aim to join the ranks of world-class organic powerhouses.

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Peermade Development Society


PDS Organic Spices is a unit of Peermade Development Society,(PDS), a non-governmental organisation, (NGO) registered under the Travancore Cochin Literacy and Charitable Societies Registration Act of 1955. From its inception in 1980, PDS has been striving for a better quality of life for the poor and needy, especially tribal communities, marginalized farmers, women and children, spread across the Western Ghats region of Idukki district in the state of Kerala, India.

Inspired by our vision ...

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Produce Green Foundation

Hong Kong

Produce Green Foundation is a Hong Kong based non-profit charitable organization established in 1988. In 1989, we set up Hong Kong's first educational organic farm in a valley in the countryside. In 2003, we established a community garden in the city. Through activities organized in the two sites, we promote organic farming and green living to the public while nurturing people for local organic agriculture. From 2002, we have been involved in setting up a local certification body to build ...

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Qualitätsgemeinschaft Bio-Mineralwasser e.V.


The Organic Mineral Water Association was officially established in 2008. Today all important organic associations of Germany, like Bioland, Demeter, Naturland, Biokreis, BNN and AÖL are member of the quality association.
Natural mineral water is a product of soil. The life cycle of a cultivated plant differs from the cultivation of mineral water only in the time they spend in the earth, which for the latter can span anywhere from a few years to millennia. Therefore the quality of a Natural ...

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Red de Agricultura Ecológica del Perú


Raeperu is an NGO created in 1989 to promote organic agriculture and local markets, develop human resources and make political impact with priority on family farming.

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SEAE-Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica y Agroecologia


Outreach, advocacy, lobby and networking. We provide training and education services, advisory services, research and technology transfer support.

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Shoqata e Bujqësisë Organike dhe Mjedisit



Albanian Organic Agriculture Association (OAA) was established on 13 June 1997, Now it has changed the name to Albanian Organic Agriculture and Environment Association. OAA was established by a group of 22 agricultural specialists and farmers. The roots of membership are farmers and groups of farmers, who are already organic or becoming organic. Also, members are university teachers, researchers, businessmen and other ...

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The Timbaktu Collective


The Timbaktu Collective is a registered Not-for-Profit working for sustainable development in drought prone Anantapur dt of AP INDIA. It works with small holder farmer & landless laborer families, in 187 villages, partnering 26,000 families. With local self-governance as the underlying theme, it addresses rights of the most disadvantaged and marginalized rural people and is reviving the Cooperative movement. The Collective received the OWA Gold Award on September 19, 2014.

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Therapeutic Community Agia Skepi


Therapeutic community for drug addiction integrating organic farming work therapy.

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Verbund Ökohöfe e.V.


Verbund Ökohöfe e.V. was founded in 2006. The association's main activity is the continuous development of various organic regulations as well as the corresponding control and certification of companies. Other activities include agricultural and horticultural production, food processing, forestry, beekeeping, fish farming. Regulations are currently under development for plant breeding and animal transportation.

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Women in Business Development Inc


WIBDI is a NGO focusing on creating income generation opportunities at a grass roots level in Samoa and the Pacific. Certified for over 12 years, WIBDI manages an ICS with over 600 growers and currently exports under ethical trading principles virgin coconut oil, dried lady finger banana, cocoa, coffee and vanilla. WIBDI supplies organically certified virgin coconut oil to the cosmetics company The Body Shop under its community trade programme and is active in supporting organisations across ...

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Yayasan Bina Swadaya


Bina Swadaya Foundation is a social enterprise institution that was founded more than 50 years ago focusing on the socio-economic development of Indonesia’s rural communities and the poor. For more than five decades, Bina Swadaya has continued to grow and has transformed a mass organization into a social entrepreneurship institution. The organization embraces a strong philosophy of empowering, building and developing the life quality of the communities through micro finance, training, facil...

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ZSVP – Zakho Small Villages Projects


ZSVP (Zakho Small Villages Projects) as an local NGO, is interested in community development to promote the ability of vulnerable groups in rural communities and help them achieve a sustainable life. Since 1996, ZSVP has disseminated environmental information and conducted workshops and training courses to diffuse sustainable agriculture methods and environmentally sound technologies, integrated pest management techniques, nutrition methods water and environmental health care to various group...

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