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219 results found
Department Organic Production, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of Saudi Arabia
The Department Organic Production in the Ministry of Enviermint, Water and Agriculture is the only authorized organization controlling the organic sector in Saudi Arabia.

Dept. of Organic Policy Industry, GOESAN County
Goesan County is one of the birthplaces of Organic Farming in South Korea and the major organic farmers' and consumers' cooperatives have their production bases in the county. It hosted the 2015 Goesan International Organic Expo and is the home of the "Organic 3.0 Goesan Declaration". The County holds the Presidency of the Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture (ALGOA) and the co-Presidency of the Global Alliance of Organic Districts (GAOD). It is also an active supporter of IFOAM As...

Dharani Farming and Marketing Mutually Aided Cooperative Limited
Dharani FaM CooP Ltd., registered in March 2008, under MACS Act, is a federation of sanghas and a producer owned business enterprise, promoted by the Timbaktu Collective. It has been formed to help the farmers with the post-production processes and marketing. It procures, stores, processes and markets its members’ produce under brand name Timbaktu Organic.

Dr. Shaikh Tanveer Hossain
Dr. Shaikh Tanveer is a Bangladeshi nationality, working in the Agriculture Unit of the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) based in Tokyo, Japan. He was the Vice-President of IFOAM– Organics Asia and was designated as “IFOAM Ambassador” in 2017 and ALGOA Ambassador in 2019. He received the grand prize of 'Organic Farming Innovation Award' (OFIA) from IFOAM and RDA, South Korea in 2011, and is a pioneer of integrated rice-duck farming technology and organic vegetable production in sack tec...

EA Bio Health Commerce Association Limited
EA Bio Health Commerce Association Limited is a non-profit chamber of commerce, established in 2016 in Hong Kong. We aim to promote organic and natural health throughout our membership network in Hong Kong, Asia and Europe.
We promoting innovative technology upgrading and transformation of traditional industries, create new employment opportunities and enhance organic industries overall competitiveness and economic growth.
We also providing members with the latest information on natural and...
Ecocert Japan Ltd. is a subsidiary of Ecocert SA. Our operations are mainly JAS organic certification in Japan, China, Canada, Colombia, France, Turkey, India and the United States. We have JAS clients in 35 countries. In addition, we manage the complete line of organic certification services that Ecocert SA offers including cosmetic, textile, and home fragrance.

Our eco-sseoteu was established in 1991 in more than 80 countries worldwide organic certification services, and eco-sseoteu objective and impartial certification services for
customers around the world to ensure the safety and quality of organic products are. Encouragement and expectations of our customers with organic cosmetics, organic fibers, organic perfumes, organic furniture,
eco-friendly golf course, spa and eco-friendly processes in various fields ranging from trade to advance and...

ECOGLOBE is a leading organization in organic agriculture in Armenia and the region. The main operation is an organic certification (EU, Switzerland, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Japan). Accredited by DAkkS, Germany, USDA NOP, JAS. The geographical scope of the certification covers many countries. Trainings, capacity building, legal support, and lobbying are done in addition to certification.

EcoPro offers technical guidance and training in EM technology, i.e. the use of so-called 'Effective Microorganisms' (EM), a mixture of beneficial microbes as developed by Prof. Teruo Higa, Okinawa, Japan. The fields of application of EM technology are agriculture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, solid waste management, sewage treatment, sanitation and hygiene, bio-remedation, and environmental rehabilitation. EcoPro is an authorized dealer of 'Maple EM. 1', the authentic EM developed by T. Hi...

Since 2014 Ecorost Company dedicates to production of humic goods from peat: organic fertilizers, soil-modificators, feeding additives according to the newest technology that provides a high efficiency of each product. The company is registered in the Ryazan region nearby Moscow. Our products are certified and passed tests in place with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and several foreign countries regulators. We successfully supply our products to a few countries, including Kazakhstan, Ser...

Ekolojik Tarim Organizasyonu Dernegi
Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu (ETO) is a non-profit organization established in 1992 to promote sound and fast development of organic agriculture (OA) in Turkey. Based upon the gap analysis, ETO focused on capacity building activities. Between 1996 and 2005, ETO trained over 2000 agricultural engineers as trainers mostly among staff members of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF). Some of the participants were elected among young and unemployed agronomists, as well. This group of tr...

Emirates Bio Fertilizer Factory
Emirates Bio Fertilizer Factory was established in 1995 and started commercial production in 1997 as a national company tending to recycle animal manure (cow and poultry) and plant wastes to produce natural organic fertilizers and agricultural potting soil free of nematodes and other pathogens and environmentally friendly. The Factory daily production capacity is 500 tons of heat-treated organic fertilizers. Certificates and awards including ISO Certificate 9001, ISO Certificate 14001, ECOCER...

ETKO Ekolojik Tarim Kontrol Org Ltd Sti
ETKO is an international private organization performing certification activities for organic production methods since 1996. ETKO’s mission is to promote the proper designation of products that have been produced according to sustainable production methods by means of supervising, testing, inspecting, assessing and certifying. ETKO headquarter is in Turkey and local offices are in Ukraine, Romania, Bangladesh, Pakistan and China, providing services also in Qatar, Dubai, USA, Pakistan, China, ...

FAMILI EKOKULTURA is an eco-socio culture entrepreneurship (eco-sociopreneurship) focusing on healthy people and a healthy environment through organic farming, organic gardening and its related products. Our main mission is to raise awareness of organic among consumers and operators by keeping the environment healthy to deliver sustainable welfare and healthy people. For organic farming, we have Ecofarming Partnership to open new farms spreaded over the country to get closer to consumers and...

Fangyuan Organic Food Certification Center
Fangyuan Organic Food Certification Center (FOFCC) is one of the pioneering organic certification bodies in China. We provide organic certification services in line with Chinese regulations.

Farmer Association For Rural Management (FARM)
As an Organisation FARM aim to develop & provide leadership in environmental care by participatory management of natural resources to improve the quality of life without compromising the upcoming generation.
Based in the resource poor western part of India, we believe that the process of rural development, environmental reconstruction & remediation can be only achieved by decisive participation of the rural community.

Federation of Organic Development "Bio-Kg"
The Federation of Organic Development «Bio-KG” was founded in 2012 to support organic movement in Kyrgyz Republic. Our members are farmers and refiners who support idea of organic agriculture, introduce organic techniques and PGS, organize “organic aymaks” (groups of villages), and advocate strongly for organic farming development on national level. We organize important events such as National organic farmers’ Forums and Organic Fairs. We also promote the National Action Plan and Organic ...

Fresh Start Organics Inc
Fresh Start Organics group of companies is a Farm to Table company involve in the Organic Industry in Negros Island, Philippines. We operate our own Organic Fertilizer plant, Organic Farms, Distribution, Consolidation, Organic Food & Cosmetics Processing, Supermarket Outlets and our own Organic Store, Cafe & Restaurant.
Global Links Exhibitions Organizers & Conferences LLC.
GL Exhibitions have been an active part of the region’s organic and natural industry since 2002. It has gained immense credibility within the supplier and buyer community worldwide for their service delivery, quality and performance with Organic & Natural Products Expo Dubai. The event provides international companies instant access to a dynamic and expanding market. For past 14 years, exhibitors and visitors at Organic Expo have done business, launched new products and found new opportunities.

Glorious Land Ecofarm
GLORIOUS LAND ECOFARM is also an ardent advocate in fighting Climate Change. It is dedicated to raise awareness on impacts and causes of Climate Change to come up with...