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33 results found


Advocacy Coalition for Sustaianble Agriculture


ACSA is a legally registered national network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), which work with Smallholder farmers and Promote Sustainable Agriculture, Agricultural market development, Environmental conservation, research and advocacy. This is aimed at increasing farmer’s understanding of policy issues affecting small holder farmers in Uganda. ACSA’s mandate is “Advocating for the agrarian policy environment for small holder farmers in Uganda”. ACSA has membership of 29 CSOs spread co...

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Asociación ECOVALIA


ECOVALIA Association is the professional Spanish umbrella organization for organic with more than 17,000 associated members working for the development and promotion of certified organic farming. Amongst its objectives are also the Protection of the environment and rural development. It is a pioneer, in Spain, for organic farming and its subsidiary Servicio de Certificación CAAE is currently a leader in certified organic activity in Europe and is present in Soyth America and other part of the...

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Asociación Nacional de Agricultura Orgánica

Costa Rica

We are involved in the promotion of organic farming, training in organic certification, and organic production techniques. ANAO members are active in all aspects of the organic production sector: producers, certifiers, trainers, politicians, etc.
ANAO has created a daughter organización the Organic Certification Agency EcoLOGICA S.A. EcoLOGICA certifies under Costa Rica national regulation, for the EU through the Third Country Status in Costa Rica and to the National Organic Program of the U...

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Inter-bio is gathering branch associations in the organic sector and agro-ecology (cereals, fruits, wine, dairies,vegetables,apiculture) with the aim to organize branch cooperation between producers, processors, traders and other stakeholders in order to promote their interests on national and international levels. Main members of the association are: Spiru Haret University, BIO TERRA and BIO DANUBIUS and others. We coordinate activities of organic clusters: BIO DANUBIUS, BIO CONCEPT VALEA P...

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Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria (formerly, Nigerian Organic Agriculture Network)


The Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria (NOAN) is a non-governmental organization created to serve as an umbrella body for all stakeholders involved in organic agriculture in Nigeria. The secretariat of NOAN is located in the city of Ibadan, Nigeria. Membership is drawn from farmers, scientists, processors, exporters, individuals, institutions, NGOs and organizations that are key players in the organic agriculture sector in Nigeria. NOAN also serves as a link between o...

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Association of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples' Development


Through co-marketing, network platforms and digital management for sharing channels and experiences are introduced to the management attitudes towards organic environments for promoting non-toxic or organic safe vegetable and fruit production and marketing to become Tribal E-Shop integrating with tribal industries and digital marketing management. In Tribal E-Shop, the relationship between production and consumption as well as the new value are reconstructed. People would reciprocally evaluat...

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BioForum vzw


BioForum unites, represents and supports companies working in the organic agricultural and food sector in Flanders. BioForum also informs the consumer on the surplus value of organic agriculture and food.

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Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft e.V.


BÖLW is the German Association of Organic Farmers, Processors and Retailers

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Certified Organic Association of British Columbia dba Organic BC


Organic BC represents organic certifying agencies in British Columbia. We administer the province’s organic accreditation program and support and advocate for a stronger, more resilient organic sector.

We provide:
- Accreditation to member agencies who inspect and certify organic farms throughout BC, for both provincial (BCCOP) and federal/international (COR) certification programs
- Administration of the BC Certified Organic Program (BCCOP)
- Leadership in national organic standards

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Česká Technologická Platforma pro Ekologické Zemědělství

Czech Republic

The Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture (CTPOA) was founded with the aim of uniting and linking a wide range of people and companies active in the field of organic farming and organic food production. The platform was founded in accordance with the European initiative of TP Organics. The CTPOA incorporates research institutes, universities, business representatives in the Czech Republic, both primary producers and processors of organic produce. All members have bound themselves ...

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Coöperatieve Vereniging Bionext U.A


Bionext is the Dutch umbrella organisation for organic farming and food. It brings together farmers, processors, traders, consumers and other parties that have an interest in organic. Bionext stimulates the co-operation between actors to improve standard practice and increase the supply and demand for organic products.

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Direction Générale de l'Agriculture Biologique


La DGAB, crée en 2010, assure la Gouvernance du secteur de l'agriculture biologique en tunisie. Elle élabore et met en œuvre les politiques et stratégies du secteur de l'agriculture biologique, en étroite collaborations avec les intervenants concernés.
Elle est en charge de la formation des formateurs et des opérateurs bio, de la promotion de la bio, des études, de la vulgarisation, et de l'appui aux opérateurs.
Elle assure une veille et un guichet unique pour la facilitation de la comme...

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Eesti Biodunaamika Ühing


Mostly eldery people with the wish to share experiences and the will for organic and biodynamic production. Meetings, joint excursions to organic farmers in Estonia and outside. Sharing the ideas and experience of the biodynamic agricultural method. Every year making biodynamic preparations together. Developing a direct consumer circle with farmers.

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Federazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica


FederBio associates the main organic farming organizations at regional and national level, carrying out all activities in the sector of production, transformation, distribution, certification, the ruling and safeguarding of the interests of operators, technicians and organic products consumers. FederBio is currently the sector's unitary representative organization in which the major national regimes for certification, regulation and the protection of operators', technicians' and consumers' in...

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Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute - Bio Farming Unit


The Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI) has been established on 14 February 2014 as per the FAREI Act 2013 t It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security. The Institute has the responsibility to conduct research in non-sugar crops, livestock, forestry and to provide an extension service to farmers in Mauritius including its outer islands. Objectives and Strategy Introduce, develop and promote novel technologies in the food and non-...

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General Anthroposophical Society, Section for Agriculture


The Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum is one of eleven Sections of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Dornach/Switzerland. Its main tasks are to coordinate and give new impulses to the biodynamic movement worldwide. We organize courses, seminars, working groups, conferences, lecture tours and publications for people who seek to deepen their knowledge of agriculture out of anthroposophical spiritual science.. We carry out research and development projects. A key concern...

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We, at GRINS NETWORK which includes our social sector startup GREENER RURAL INITIATIVES (P) LTD., firmly believe that sustainable development is possible in India only when rural and urban India grow together. It is our conviction that sustainable development can be best achieved by merging the social mission of a non profit with the market driven, profit maximizing approach of a business; by connecting natural produce and products to markets through community engagement. Based on this, we es...

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Hiệp hội nông nghiệp hữu cơ Việt Nam


Vietnam Organic Agriculture Association (VOAA) established October 31st, 2011. VOAA is a socio-professional organization of associations, companies, farmers, Vietnamese people who actively work in the organic sector. Our members are organizations and individuals working in organic production, processing, business, services, import and export, and organic product consumption, policy makers... VOAA is operated based on principles of voluntarism, independence, and it protects the rights and legi...

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Indonesia Organic Alliance


The Indonesia Organic Alliance's main programs aims at improving the organizational strength and production quality of small farmers groups therefore enabling them to better access the market, at advancing organic agriculture and fair trade movements in Indonesia and at initiating an independent organization providing special services for organic agriculture & fair trade development.

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Initiative Bio Bretagne is a regional umbrella organization of the organic sector in Brittany (France). It was created in 1995 and brings together 6 groups: organizations of organic producers, suppliers of goods (animal feeds, inputs, material, etc.), processors, distributors, service providers (training, research, technical advice), associations of consumers. Initiative Bio Bretagne is a place of exchange, dialogue and representation in which the professionals of the organic sector become ac...

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Lanka Organic Agriculture Movement

Sri Lanka

The interest in organic agriculture led to the formation of the Lanka Organic Agriculture Movement (LOAM) in 1994. LOAM is a professional organization comprised of organic farmers, scientists, professionals, members of the organic corporate sector and interested individuals. Its primary objectives are: 1. To promote organic agriculture in Sri Lanka. 2. To establish, improve and maintain standards for organic agriculture in Sri Lanka 3. To create awareness of organic products among the people ...

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Mati was founded in 1998 through the personal conviction of its founder Lenen Rahaman that the extreme poverty in rural Bangladesh is a severe form of injustice, which cannot be tolerated in any society that claims to be civilized. With a small group of friends, who shared his basic humanist ideas, they started the first Mati-project in the small village Huzurikanda, Sherpur District. Mati is practicing organic agricultural for last 10 years for better heath and a better climate. We are also ...

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Nak-karitativ e.V.


In Ethiopia, Kenya, Sambia, Niger and Malawi we apply the conditions of organic production to our community projects, mainly in plant production, but successively in animal production as well. Concerning the value chain we are opting to introduce projects on Aloe Vera production and Mango vinegar production. Rabbit production in Kenya and beyond is another aspect we are focussing on in the years to come.

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Organic Alliance Malaysia Bhd


Organic Alliance Malaysia (OAM) is a non-profit membership based organization founded to facilitate sector cooperation and the development of organic agriculture in the country. Services include publishing a web and print directory, assistance with export certification and domestic quality assurance, representation and advocacy at national and international levels. Membership is open to organizations and persons who subscribe to the Principles of Organic Agriculture and their development.

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